Source code for download

List of Endpoints

    - :code:`/download/image`: Handled by :py:func:`.download_image`.
    - :code:`/download/video`: Handled by :py:func:`.download_video`.

API Reference

from flask import Flask, request, abort, redirect

import storage

[docs]def download_image(): """ This function expects a :code:`post_id` URL parameter. Post ID corresponds to the filename w/o extension in Storage. This endpoint should redirect to the file's location in Storage. :return: Redirects to the file's location in Storage. """ post_id = request.args.get('post_id') if post_id is None: abort(400, 'Missing "post_id" URL parameter.') file_url = storage.get_image_url(post_id) if file_url is None: abort(400, 'No matching file found.') return redirect(file_url)
[docs]def download_video(): """ This function expects a :code:`post_id` URL parameter. Post ID corresponds to the filename w/o extension in Storage. This endpoint should redirect to the file's location in Storage. :return: Redirects to the file's location in Storage. """ post_id = request.args.get('post_id') if post_id is None: abort(400, 'Missing "post_id" URL parameter.') file_url = storage.get_video_url(post_id) if file_url is None: abort(400, 'No matching file found.') return redirect(file_url)
[docs]def setup_routing(app: Flask): """ Basic routing function for flask. :param flask.Flask app: Your flask application object. """ app.add_url_rule('/download/image', endpoint='download.image', view_func=download_image, methods=["GET"]) app.add_url_rule('/download/video', endpoint='', view_func=download_video, methods=["GET"])